How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

Sleep Apnea Facts

Are you interested in knowing all there is to know about sleep apnea? If so, our dentistss, Drs. Roschella, Zinger and Brown, are more than happy to help you! The more knowledge you have, the better. Today, they would be happy to share some information about sleep apnea with you. In fact, they are happy to share the following facts:... read more »

Dealing with Gum Disease

While gum disease is a serious condition, most people with gum disease can receive effective treatment that can either halt the disease’s progression, cure it or both. In the end, many patients can regain a healthy, vibrant smile. It’s possible for you to achieve the same results, too. Unfortunately, however, not everyone knows how to deal with gum disease. But,... read more »

Aspects of a Super Smile: Mouth Guards

The risk of oral accidents and injuries is no laughing matter. Due to the severity of several risks that can arise throughout our lives in regard to our teeth and gums, it is important to always have the necessary prevention plans in place to keep your smile safe as much as possible. This includes taking steps to limit the risk... read more »

The Oral Hygiene Rules to Obey When You Have Aligners

Are you aligning your teeth with orthodontic aligners? If so, it’s important to follow the rules set for treatment. As you probably already know, there are oral hygiene rules set for treatment. These rules can help you have the top-notch and successful orthodontic treatment you deserve because they help you care for your smile and appliance. Today, our dentists would... read more »

Upgrade Your Oral Health Care to Upgrade Your Smile

Have you ever set forth an effective dental damage prevention plan? Have you ever gone through your day-to-day activities and lifestyle choices to think about any risk your smile may be facing and what changes you need to make to keep your smile safe? If you haven’t done this, we recommend doing so in the near future as so that... read more »

Treatment Options for TMJ

Do your jaws hurt often? Do you struggle with simple tasks such as eating or even laughing? If so, you could be struggling with your TMJ’s. Drs. Roschella, Zinger and Brown here at RZ Dental Group in Marriottsville, Maryland, are trained to help you with your TMJ’s and would be happy to give you some information about them, so you... read more »

Tips for Reducing Your Chances of Tooth Decay

If you wish there was a way to lower your chances of suffering a cavity, then you have come to the right blog. Today, our dentists, Drs. Roschella, Zinger, and Brown, are happy to grant your wish! Fortunately, there are many things you can do to keep cavities at bay and maintain a top-notch oral health. Our dentist is happy... read more »

Do You Have a Cracked Tooth?

Do you have a cracked tooth? If you answered “no”, don’t be so sure. Your dentist may not have found any damage during your last checkup, and your teeth may all look fine to you. But some cracks as so small that your dentist may not detect them, and they may not even appear on an X-ray. You get a... read more »

Wisdom Teeth: Hygiene

Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid wisdom teeth from impacting. However, there are some things you can do to keep your mouth healthy even if you have wisdom teeth. Read on to find out more, and be sure to follow these tips! The major problem with erupted wisdom teeth is that they can be hard to reach. To keep... read more »